Discussing how people improve as software engineers is something I really enjoy studying, thinking and reading about.

I have written in the past about:

I love thinking/reading about questions like:

  • How do people progress professionally as engineers?
  • How do developers go from Senior to Staff or beyond?
  • How do Engineer scale themselves?

Part of the answer I think, is looking at:

  • Compotency Matrices and Career Progression ladders companies put out to explain what they expect in each role. Individual opinions from industry experts who have gone from Mid-Level Engineer to CTO (etc)
  • Trying to look and standardise what totally different companies search for - helps you understand what is valuable in the marketplace.

This has led me to compiling around 70 publicly accessible career matrices from companies around the world, from places like:

  • Soundcloud
  • Dropbox
  • Etsy
  • Gov.uk
  • Medium
  • Khan Academy
  • Circle CI
  • Monzo
  • Patreon
  • Financial Times

You can read them all here

I've been spending time looking at areas where I'm strong and looking where I'm weaker too - searching for ways I can grow & improve.

I hope this is of use to you too!